83 products
83 products
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Padre Pio: In My Own Words
$ 8.50
Unit price perPadre Pio: In My Own Words
$ 8.50
Unit price perBlessed Padre Pio, a humble peasant, and world-famous stigmatist, spoke simple words of Christian encouragement and inspiration to all who approached him seeking counsel. This biographical sketch and collection of memorable sayings is a compact and accessible introduction to the life and message of one of the great religious figures of the 20th century.
Compiled by Anthony F. Chiffolo

Militia Immaculatae (St. Maximilian Kolbe)
$ 4.25
Unit price perMilitia Immaculatae (St. Maximilian Kolbe)
$ 4.25
Unit price perBecome a Knight of the Immaculate Virgin Mary by joining the Militia Immaculatae, founded by St. Maximilian Kolbe in 1917. Learn the object of the M.I., the conditions of joining, and the means of being a member. This book includes the origin and history of the M.I., Explanatory Notes by St. Maximilian Kolbe himself, Indulgences granted to the M.I., and the Ceremony of Enrollment to the M.I
Our principal motive is to help the greatest possible number of souls to be united with the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the mediation of the Immaculata. "It should not be viewed as just one organization among many others; rather, it ought to penetrate into the depths of all other organizations. The essence of the M.I. consists of belonging to the Immaculata unconditionally, irrevocably, unreservedly, and entirely... The object of the M.I. is to strive for the conversion of sinners, heretics, schismatics, etc., and especially of Freemasons, as well as for the sanctification of all, under the protection and through the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin." (St. Maximilian Kolbe)
"Isn't it beautiful, this ideal of life? The battle to conquer the whole world, the hearts of all men and of each one in particular beginning with oneself... Our strength consists of recognizing our own stupidity, weakness, and misery, and entrusting ourselves entirely to the goodness and power of the Immaculata." (St. Maximilian Kolbe)

Guadalupe Mysteries
$ 30.00
Unit price perGuadalupe Mysteries
$ 30.00
Unit price perOur Lady of Guadalupe is the most beloved symbol of Mexican Catholicism, and devotion to her is widespread in the USA. While she has entranced and encouraged Mexican Catholics for several centuries, believers and even nonbelievers the world over are inspired and intrigued by her. Millions of pilgrims visit her shrine in Mexico City every year. Both Pope John Paul II and Pope Francis have traveled there to pray for her motherly intercession. And scientists from many disciplines have studied the amazing attributes of her mysterious image.
In this glorious, lavishly illustrated book, the renowned author-photographer team Grzegorz Górny and Janusz Rosikon take the reader on an illustrated pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe. They tell the amazing story of her apparition to Juan Diego in 1531 and its dramatic impact on the destiny of an entire people. They interview the various experts on the image and reveal its symbolic messages, those of the past and those speaking to us today.

Fatima's Message For Our Times
$ 3.00
Unit price perFatima's Message For Our Times
$ 3.00
Unit price perSummarizes the Fatima messages as a return to a life of prayer, to the traditional prayer life of the Catholic Church, especially to prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. Great on the value of Holy Hours a forgotten secret spiritual weapon.

Divine Intimacy
$ 69.50
Unit price perDivine Intimacy
$ 69.50
Unit price perThis Book of Meditations is a classic and is seeped in Carmelite spirituality. For every day it offers two meditations, in liturgical arrangement, that enable the soul to enter the conscious presence of God and to reflect on the theme of the day. These are followed by a ‘Colloquy’ that helps the person at prayer to start a friendly conversation with God where acts of praise and love, petition, and thanksgiving are made, together with good resolutions for the future. Here we are at the very heart of prayer, which is a heart-to-heart encounter in faith with the living God. - by Father Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O.C.D.
Divine Intimacy is the highest state attainable on earth. In this union of love, the soul produces acts of love that have an immense apostolic influence on a multitude of souls. This knowledge of the ways that lead to God, according to the teaching of the renowned Spanish mystics, is distilled into the pages of this book.

Fatima: A Spiritual Light for Our Times vol. 2
$ 8.00
Unit price perFatima: A Spiritual Light for Our Times vol. 2
$ 8.00
Unit price perIn this second volume, we present for your meditation, first of all, an essential part of the message of Fatima: the spirituality of the three children who had the privilege to see Our Lady. Afterward, we will thoroughly analyze the last two great apparitions following July 13th, in which Our Lady taught practices of devotion to her Immaculate Heart: observance of the five first Saturdays and the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart.
These events together with the spiritual experiences of the three seers will give us lessons of the utmost importance about the great mystery revealed at Fatima: her Immaculate Heart!

Church Vestments: Their Origin and Development
$ 18.50
Unit price perChurch Vestments: Their Origin and Development
$ 18.50
Unit price perThe Christian church's earliest vestments were hardly distinguishable from the everyday dress of ordinary people in ancient Rome, but in time, ecclesiastical dress acquired its own distinguishing characteristics. This comprehensive reference by noted English costume authority Herbert Norris traces the evolution of clerical attire through the centuries until the end of the 1400s.
The meticulously researched text is enhanced by more than 270 of the author's own illustrations, including 8 in full color, adapted from originals but specially redrawn to accentuate essential features of the garments. The vestments are treated in the approximate order of their appearance in liturgical rituals, beginning with the simple alb and including the pallium, chasuble, cassock, surplice, miter, and many other items. Footwear, crosses, headgear, rings, gloves, and other accessories are also depicted and described in detail. Replete with fascinating historical facts and lore, this volume is an indispensable reference for students, scholars, and anyone interested in the history of ecclesiastical attire.
Reprint of the 1950 edition.

All About the Angels
$ 16.50
Unit price perAll About the Angels
$ 16.50
Unit price perA wonderful book showing how the angels have visited people innumerable times in the past, how they do so today, and would do even more if we asked them. Also, how they prevent accidents, comfort us, help us, and protect us from the devils. Contains many beautiful stories about St. Michael, St. Raphael, and St. Gabriel; plus, angel stories from St. Gemma Galgani, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. John Bosco, etc. One of our 3 most popular titles!

A Treatise on Interior Peace
$ 10.50
Unit price perA Treatise on Interior Peace
$ 10.50
Unit price perWritten in Old French by the famed Capuchin theologian, Ambroise de Lombez, this book, first published in 1756, immediately gained enormous popularity and a reading audience sufficient to necessitate its being reprinted in thirteen different editions right up to our own times. A French classic, it involves an in-depth analysis of the psychological, philosophical, and theological aspects of growth in the spiritual life of those in search of interior peace, the obstacles to that peace and how to conquer them, where the proper means to this peace are to be found, and some practical aspects of interior peace. âThe teaching of this book is consistent with that of all other earlier Christian spiritual authors from the great ascetics and mystics of the desert of the 4th century through the Middle Ages down to our present time⦠This classic is grounded in the wisdom and prudence of St. Francis de Sales, yet is still solidly relevant to all modern Christians who seriously wish to attain that inner peace which comes from our union with the indwelling Trinity.â George A. Maloney, SJ in the Foreword to the book.
The translator of this work, Elizabeth Ann Seton (1774-1821), the first native-born American saint, was a pioneer of Catholic education in the United States and the founder of the Sisters of Charity. Translating religious works was, to her, instructive, stimulating, necessary, and personally gratifying in fulfilling her role as educator and founder at a time when religious works in English were not readily available.
Author: Ambroise de Lombez OFM Cap.

A Catechism of Modernism
$ 9.50
Unit price perA Catechism of Modernism
$ 9.50
Unit price perModernism is a heresy condemned by Pope St. Pius X (1903-1914). yet it is the predominating error in the Catholic Church since Vatican II (1962-1965). This book exposes its errors. called by St. Pius X the "synthesis of all heresies." St. Pius X commended the author of this catechism; expressing the hope it would receive wide circulation.

Knights and Armor Coloring Book
$ 5.50
Unit price perKnights and Armor Coloring Book
$ 5.50
Unit price perYou can recapture the excitement of yesteryear's noblest battles with this remarkable pageant of dauntless knights and armor, in coloring book form. Defend the Empire with an authentic Roman legionary, or hold back the fierce Mongol hordes with a dashing Russian chieftain. Meet celebrated leaders such as Richard the Lion-Hearted and Henry VIII, meticulously costumed and detailed. More than 40 dramatic plates - specially designed for you to color - portray the wide range of protective armor in use in Europe from about A.D. 100 to 1640. The attire of Vikings, Crusaders, Italian condottiere, Spanish foot-soldiers, and royal jousters all appear in precise, historically accurate line drawings that convey the splendor of chivalry and detail the accouterments of war. Each plate is accompanied by clear explanatory captions; in addition, a useful glossary of unfamiliar terms and a thoroughly researched introduction offer historical background and more to bring each warrior to life. Twelve full-color illustrations on the covers enable you to reproduce each striking suit of armor in authentic hues.
History buffs, military enthusiasts, children, and colorists of all ages will revel in this stunning collection of valorous paladins.

Favorite Prayers to St. Joseph
$ 4.50
Unit price perFavorite Prayers to St. Joseph
$ 4.50
Unit price perSt. Joseph obtains favors of any kind, but particularly in family problems, financial needs, purity, dangers, work, housing, and a happy death. He is the universal patron---whatever our petition is, you can pray to St. Joseph with confidence. He was the foster father of Jesus Christ on earth, and Jesus still obeys his requests in heaven! God chose St. Joseph over all other men to represent the fatherhood of God Himself in the Holy Family. This book contains all the famous prayers: Novena for a Special Favor, Litany, 30 Days\' Prayer, Memorare, for Purity, Conversion, a Happy Death, etc.

The Soul of the Apostolate
$ 16.50
Unit price perThe Soul of the Apostolate
$ 16.50
Unit price perIn this age of relentless activity, it is easy for Christians, particularly those involved in good works, to fall into the pattern of the activist. But mere activity and material results are not sufficient for a successful apostolate. Dom Chartraud demonstrates that the very foundation of all apostolic work must be the Interior Life. The apostle of Christ will grow to become an instrument and true channel of God’s graces to the world only through prayer, meditation, and the cultivation of the Interior Life. When one is involved in works of spiritual or corporal charity, his work can only be efficacious when he anchors his Interior Life to in Christ. Without Christ, we can do nothing.
Author: Dom Jean-Baptiste Chautard, O.C.S.O.

The Prayers of St. Therese of Lisieux
$ 12.50
Unit price perThe Prayers of St. Therese of Lisieux
$ 12.50
Unit price per"For me," wrote Therese of Lisieux toward the end of her life, "prayer is an aspiration of the heart, it is a simple glance directed to heaven, it is a cry of gratitude and love amid trial as well as joy; finally, it is something great, supernatural, which expands my soul and unites me to Jesus." Besides the countless spontaneous prayers found throughout her autobiography, letters, poetry, and plays, St. Therese left behind 21 additional independent prayers, from every period of her life, here collected for the first time. In this book, we find prayers to the Infant Jesus and the Holy Face, prayers to Mary and the saints, prayers composed in joy and sorrow, and prayers written for her novices and missionary brothers. All of them reflect the Saint's passionate love of God, which she wished to share with friends near and far. The highlight of this volume is the first critical text of Therese's famous "Offering to Merciful Love," fully annotated. Ample background materials explain the setting and significance of each prayer. Scholars will find here essential new information for the study of the Saint's doctrine; general readers will find this book an indispensable resource for learning to pray as Therese did. "It is prayer, it is the sacrifice which gives me all my strength; these are the invincible weapons Jesus has given me. They can touch souls much better than words."
Complete collection of Therese's independent prayers, translated from the critical edition, with 9 pages of photos.
Translated by Aletheia Kane, OCD

Words of Love
$ 14.50
Unit price perWords of Love
$ 14.50
Unit price perIntimate revelations of Our Lord to three 20th-century mystics: Sr. Josefa Menendez, Sr. Mary of the Trinity, and Sr. Consolata Betrone on a host of subjects. Surprising revelations on how and why Our Lord acts as He does toward people. Beautiful!

The Saint Andrew Daily Missal
$ 72.00
Unit price perThe Saint Andrew Daily Missal
$ 72.00
Unit price per- Complete with Vespers and the Kyriale in modern notation
- Hard-bound
- 5 multi-colored ribbon markers
- Contains over 1900 pages
- The Ordinary of the Mass printed with red rubrics
- Beautiful narrative of each feast day as well as spiritual and doctrinal notes
- Imprimatur 1945 - Reprint of the 1945 edition

The Price to Pay
$ 16.50
Unit price perThe Price to Pay
$ 16.50
Unit price perDuring his military service, Muhammad, a young Muslim Iraqi from a leading Shiite family, discovers to his dismay that his roommate is a Christian. Muhammad tries to convert his roommate, but he is the one who is converted.
In Islam changing one's religion is a crime, and Muhammad's family does everything possible to make him renounce his new faith in Christ. After threats and blows come prison and torture. Muhammad, who has become Joseph by his baptism, experiences a long Calvary but does not give in. Finally, he is taken from prison by relatives who threaten to kill him if he does not resubmit to Islam. They shoot him and leave him for dead.
The Price to Pay is the true story of Joseph Fadelle's conversion to Catholicism. He risks everything, friends, his inheritance and home, and even his life to follow Christ. In a dramatic and personal narrative style, Fadelle reveals the horrible persecution endured by Christians living in a violent and hostile Muslim world.

The Holy Bible (Douay Rheims, Burgundy Premium UltraSoft)
$ 54.50
Unit price perThe Holy Bible (Douay Rheims, Burgundy Premium UltraSoft)
$ 54.50
Unit price perTranslated between the years 1582 and 1610 and revised by Bishop Richard Challoner, this is the most accurate English translation of the Bible available today. It was the only Catholic translation of Scripture commonly in use for over 200 years and we maintain that it is still the best and safest version of the Bible in English. Translated with profound respect for every word, the beautiful style of the Douay-Rheims Bible will instill in the reader a deeper understanding of the Word of God. Annotations, references, and a historical and chronological index make it convenient for study as well as meditation. Includes updated full-color New Testament maps, and beautiful pictures depicting the life of Christ. Complete with Family record and Presentation pages. This beautiful Bible is available in a durable burgundy leather-soft cover, with gold edges and a ribbon marker.
Includes words of Christ in red.

The Devotion to the Sacred Heart
$ 19.50
Unit price perThe Devotion to the Sacred Heart
$ 19.50
Unit price perTHE book on devotion to the Sacred Heart! Commissioned by Our Lord Himself through St. Margaret Mary and received, through her, His endorsement. Responsible for the early, rapid spread of the Sacred Heart devotion. Contains the Saint's life, her prayers to the Sacred Heart, the Sacred Heart Promises (far more than the famous "12 Promises"), and much, much more! Great!

The Letters of St. Therese of Lisieux and Those Who Knew Her: Vol. 2
$ 24.50
Unit price perThe Letters of St. Therese of Lisieux and Those Who Knew Her: Vol. 2
$ 24.50
Unit price perLetters to and from St. Therese of Lisieux from September 1890 (Novitiate period as a Carmelite Nun) to September 1897 (death). Includes 4 pages of facsimiles of Therese's letters, plus a general and biblical index to both volumes.
This sequel to volume 1 contains all of Therese's letters from the end of September 1890 (during her novitiate) until she died in 1897, as well as many letters written to or about her. Here the mature Saint Therese shows the path of her growth as a religious and as a deep spiritual writer. The reader learns much about all of her correspondents, including her two "missionary brothers," and gains familiarity with the development of her thoughts and messages. Fifty pages of complementary documents give us useful tools for studying the texts.
Translated from the critical edition by John Clarke, OCD
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