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83 products
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The Letters of St. Therese of Lisieux and Those Who Knew Her: Vol. 1
$ 21.50
Unit price perThe Letters of St. Therese of Lisieux and Those Who Knew Her: Vol. 1
$ 21.50
Unit price perLetters to and from St. Therese of Lisieux from April 1877 (Childhood) to September 1890 (Novitiate period as a Carmelite Nun). Letter writing at the end of the nineteenth century was an important activity for the people of France. Those who received letters from family and friends alike usually kept the hand-written texts sent to them as precious gifts. That is why this collection of letters by and to one of the greatest saints of modern times is so interesting to us today. No mere notes slapped together in distracted haste, the missives found in this volume reveal communications of warm personal sentiment along with expressions of lively spiritual development.Therese's efforts as a fifteen-year-old to enter Carmel before reaching the required age appear in revealing detail. This "tortuous course of a very subtle diplomacy" is set out not only by the letters of Therese herself, but also by those of so many others who shared her hopes and eventual victory.
The translator-editor gives us 75 pages of introductory remarks to Therese's letters. This volume also includes 4 pages of facsimiles of Therese's letters.
Translated from the critical edition by John Clarke, OCD

The Holy Bible (English & Latin, side by side)
$ 109.50
Unit price perThe Holy Bible (English & Latin, side by side)
$ 109.50
Unit price perThe Clementine Vulgate was proclaimed the official Latin Bible of the Church after the Reformation. From St. Jerome's time, through the Middle Ages, until vernacular editions were introduced, educated Catholics throughout the world were familiar with the Vulgate.
Those familiar with the Douay Rheims Bible will know that it is one of the most beautiful and accurate English Bible translations available today – a word-for-word translation of the Clementine Vulgate.
Having both Bibles side by side allows us to see exactly where the vernacular translation came from. Even those with limited Latin skills will be able to follow along, using the Douay Rheims translation as an aid. You'll see how the Douay Rheims is a literal translation of the classic Vulgate.
It is a beautiful, captivating read. The Biblia Sacra is not difficult to understand and it doesn't take much study of Latin to be able to get through the texts passably.
Included in this Bible are Challoner's notes, and the texts found in the appendix to the Vulgate, namely 3 and 4 Esdras and the prayer of Manasses (in Latin with an English translation). This makes the Bible totally comprehensive and ideal for theology students.
Owning one of these beautiful Bibles will give you great pleasure each time you read it, and ensure that your family is familiar with sacred scripture in Latin as well as English.
Bound in leather with ornate gold blocked cover and spine. Gilded page edges, head and tail bands, and two satin ribbons.
The Douay-Rheims Bible is an English translation of the Latin Vulgate Bible, a version universally used in the Church for over 1500 years, itself meticulously translated from the original Hebrew and Greek by St. Jerome (A.D. 340-420).
In 1546, the Council of Trent declared the Vulgate Bible as authentic, and declared that "No one (may) dare or presume under any pretext whatsoever to reject it" (4th Session, April 8, 1546).
In 1943, Pope Pius XII stated that the continuous use of the Vulgate Bible in the Church for many centuries showed that it was "free from any error whatsoever in matters of faith and morals" (Divino Afflante Spiritu (1943), paragraph 21).

Public Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ vol.2
$ 29.00
Unit price perPublic Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ vol.2
$ 29.00
Unit price perThe second volume continues where the first left off in Our Lord's life and continues the same original commentary and discussion all the way to Passion Week. The wonderful thing about Bishop Goodier's narrative is that it does not make use of secondary sources or copious quotes, rather he simply quotes the Scriptures and organizes the teaching of the Gospels into the sequential occurrence of events. If you want to know more about our Lord and understand the places he is going to, what he is doing, and why, this is the perfect work. The new edition includes wonderful depictions of events from Renaissance art.

Public Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ vol.1
$ 29.00
Unit price perPublic Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ vol.1
$ 29.00
Unit price perThe Public Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ, by bishop Goodier, takes the subject of Christ's life from the coming of John the Baptist until his last day before Palm Sunday and the beginning of His passion.
In this work, Goodier sets out not merely to write another life of Christ or follow the mold of a devotional work or a scientific analysis but to transcend both to apply logic and reason combined with Catholic faith to understand who Jesus was, and what was the impact of his public life, what was it like for those there, what did his disciples and enemies think?
Goodier's text is descriptive, lucid, and original, not being loaded up with quotes from other authors. Moreover, it is entirely faithful to the text of the Gospels and harmonizes the four narratives into one account spanning the three years of Christ's public life before His passion.
In this text, you will find Bishop Goodier faithful to the Gospel narrative unlike many writers in his time who applied the historical-critical method to such lengths that they had rejected the gospels themselves as witnesses. Goodier notes in his introduction: "Hence in a work of this kind it has not seemed necessary to introduce any discussion concerning the four Evangelists, the authenticity of their work, or the special characteristics of each. These have been examined and proved by writers far more skilled and learned than the author and he is content to accept their decision referring readers who would examine these sources to them. On the other hand, when accepting the Gospels, he accepts them wholly and entirely. It seems to him a futile attitude of mind to take a source as authentic, and then, almost entirely from internal evidence, to proceed to whittle it away. For instance, let us take the miracles. Not only do the four Evangelists record them, but they record them as an essential part of their evidence; so essential, in every case, that if they are eliminated their whole concept of Jesus tumbles to ruins. There is scarcely any miracle that may be canceled without involving in its fall many other portions of the Gospel; eliminate them all and there is virtually nothing left. Far more fair to the facts, even from the point of view of the rationalist historian, does it seem to the author to take the evidence as he finds it, make of it the best he can, put faith in those whom he professes to acknowledge as his only safe guides, build up his picture of Jesus as they have built it up and with the same material. If he accepts some evidence and rejects the rest, this at least he must confess: that the conclusion he draws, whether true or not, cannot possibly be the picture drawn by the four Evangelists. In the present work, the four Gospels have been taken simply as they are given to us; the question has been simply asked: What is the Jesus of the four Evangelists like?" (From the Introduction)
This reprint from the 1944 edition has been made faithful to the original in every detail, retaining UK spelling standards found in the original. The only changes made are the correction of errata in the original text.
Additionally, artwork from the Renaissance and Baroque periods has been added which is not in the original to aid the reader.

Passing From Self To God: A Cistercian Retreat
$ 29.50
Unit price perPassing From Self To God: A Cistercian Retreat
$ 29.50
Unit price perThose seeking to deepen their spiritual lives by visiting monasteries rarely have enough time to absorb as much as they would like. In this book, an experienced spiritual master provides an intensive directed retreat that relies heavily on the rich Cistercian spiritual tradition. Readers may read and digest at their own pace, savoring the author's contagious enthusiasm for the monastic way and the medieval monks who formed this distinctive contemplative tradition.

On the Love of God and Other Selected Writings
$ 8.50
Unit price perOn the Love of God and Other Selected Writings
$ 8.50
Unit price per"Mary's Troubadour" is the way most people remember St. Bernard of Clairvaux, so refined was his tremendous devotion to the Mother of God. On the eighth centenary of his death, Pope Pius XII dubbed him the "Mellifluous Doctor," thus paying tribute to the sweet accents of his flowing prose. This "Last of the Fathers of the Church" has never ceased to inspire his readers with a deeper love of the Lord. His pursuit of charity, his zeal for the purity of the monastic lifestyle, his fidelity to the Faith, and his promotion of contemplative prayer have endeared him to generations of the faithful down through the ages. In this collection of his writings, emphasis has been placed on abridging his better-known works and letters with the hope that, as a sampler, more people may be inspired to read them in their entirety. This book will serve as an introduction to a great saint whose message is, if anything, more timely today than it ever was.
Author: St. Bernard of Clairvaux

Mary Was Her Life
$ 30.00
Unit price perMary Was Her Life
$ 30.00
Unit price perThe story of "Terisita" Quevedo (1930-50), the Catholic beauty who wanted to become a saint.

Sermons for the Summer Season
$ 24.50
Unit price perSermons for the Summer Season
$ 24.50
Unit price perThe always eloquent Bernard of Clairvaux preaches on the joys and spiritual opportunities of summertime festivals: Rogationtide, Ascension Day, the Pentecost season, and the feasts of Saint John the Baptist and SS Peter and Paul. From a world still in touch with the seasons of nature and a lifestyle integrating prayer and physical work, he speaks to moderns with insight and calm sanity.
Translated by Beverly Kienzle with James Jarzembowski

Searching for and Maintaining Peace
$ 7.50
Unit price perSearching for and Maintaining Peace
$ 7.50
Unit price perWe live in an age characterized by agitation and lack of peace. This tendency manifests itself in our spiritual as well as our secular life. In our search for God and holiness, in our service to our neighbor, a kind of restlessness and anxiety take the place of the confidence and peace that ought to be ours. What must we do to overcome the moments of fear and distress which assail us? How can we learn to place all our confidence in God and abandon ourselves to his loving care? This is what is taught in this simple, yet profound little treatise on peace of mind. Taking concrete examples from our everyday lives, the author invites us to respond in a Gospel fashion to the upsetting situations we must all confront. Since peace of heart is a pure gift of God, it is something we should seek, pursue, and ask him for without ceasing. This book is here to help us in that pursuit.
Author: Jacques Philippe

Saint Fernando III
$ 26.50
Unit price perSaint Fernando III
$ 26.50
Unit price perThe greatest Spanish monarch, King of Castile and Leon, St. Fernando III was born in the year 1199 - exactly 100 years after the death of his illustrious ancestor, El Cid. In him would be combined the soul of a knight dedicated entirely to God, the irresistible power of the Cid, and due to his royal heritage, the authority to marshal the might of an entire kingdom against the enemies of Christ. Personally leading his armies into battle, he took back more territory from Islam than any other king in history. First cousin of St. Louis IX of France, he died a saintly death in the year 1252. His incorrupt body can still be seen in the Cathedral of Seville, and his feast day, May 30th, is a holy day of obligation in Spain.

He is My Heaven
$ 15.50
Unit price perHe is My Heaven
$ 15.50
Unit price perElizabeth of the Trinity (Elizabeth Catez) was a young French woman who became a Discalced Carmelite in the Carmel of Dijon. She was just twenty-one when she died in 1906. But those few years were enough for her to develop and deepen a distinctive approach to God, one that has since inspired countless people in their quest for a deeper relationship with the indwelling God.

Homilies in Praise of Blessed Mary
$ 19.50
Unit price perHomilies in Praise of Blessed Mary
$ 19.50
Unit price perEducated at the abbeys of Bonnevaux and Cluny and at the court of his kinsman, Conrad of Hohenstaufen, Amadeus became a monk of Clairvaux in 1125, just about the time its abbot, Bernard, began to be noticed by the Church at large. After twenty years in the cloister, Amadeus became bishop of the troubled diocese of Lausanne. Reform and renewal did not come easily. In one of his letters, he tells how his vestments once ran red with the blood of a man murdered while the bishop tried unsuccessfully to protect him.

From the Eucharist to the Trinity
$ 17.50
Unit price perFrom the Eucharist to the Trinity
$ 17.50
Unit price perBy Marie Vincent Bernadot, O.P.
From the Eucharist to the Trinity is the culminating work of Fr. Marie Vincent Bernadot’s reflection on the practice of receiving the Eucharist. In the Introduction to this new edition, Sr. Maria of the Angels writes, “The basic idea, as the title suggests, is that ardent reception of the Eucharist makes possible the indwelling of the entire Trinity; through Holy Communion, each divine Person is increasingly present in the soul and active according to the particular properties of each.” The Introduction highlights how Fr. Bernadot saw the written word as a fruitful way of communicating God’s desire to dwell within us. Bernadot engages the wisdom of the saints and offers practical advice about how to maintain union with the Trinity in work and suffering. From the Eucharist to the Trinity is a wonderful book for those hoping to deepen their desire for the Eucharist and let the Trinity take root in their hearts.
“The Sacrament of the Altar...[is]...the Sacrament in which all the rest receive their consummation and crown.”
Marie Vincent Bernadot, O.P. (1883–1941) was ordained a priest in 1906 and entered the Order of Preachers in 1912. He founded the weekly magazine Sept, a journal, La Vie spirituelle, and a Parisian publishing house, Les Éditions du Cerf. He founded another journal, La Vie Intellectuelle, with the help of Jacques Maritain. Fr. Bernadot preached retreats, and wrote and translated numerous works with a desire to enrich the intellectual and spiritual lives of the faithful.

Fatima: A Spiritual Light for Our Times vol 3
$ 9.00
Unit price perFatima: A Spiritual Light for Our Times vol 3
$ 9.00
Unit price perSummarizes the Fatima messages as a return to a life of prayer, to the traditional prayer life of the Catholic Church, especially to prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. Great on the value of Holy Hours a forgotten secret spiritual weapon.

Conversation with Christ: The Teachings of St. Teresa of Avila
$ 16.50
Unit price perConversation with Christ: The Teachings of St. Teresa of Avila
$ 16.50
Unit price perPersonal prayer according to the teaching of St. Teresa of Avila.

Crusader King
$ 14.50
Unit price perCrusader King
$ 14.50
Unit price perA new historical novel about the unusual life of King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, the leper crusader king who - despite ascending to the throne at only 13, his early death at 24, and his debilitating disease - performed great and heroic deeds in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. Teenagers and avid readers of all ages will be amazed at this story and be inspired by a faith that accomplishes the impossible!
Author: Susan Peek

Commentary for Benedictine Oblates on the Rule of St Benedict (Paperback)
$ 35.00
Unit price perCommentary for Benedictine Oblates on the Rule of St Benedict (Paperback)
$ 35.00
Unit price perThe Commentary on the Rule takes into account the long history of commentary on St. Benedict's rule and discusses this history at length in the introduction. Each chapter has a selection of the rule, following the divisions of dates on which sections of the rule are read in monasteries, then a commentary on that section, followed by an application. The commentary makes use of the very lengthy Monastic Tradition, works of the Church Fathers, Eastern Monasticism, the Scholastics, and others, as well as commentary on text criticism in regards to the original Latin of the rule itself.
This wonderful text, though it is intended for Benedictine Oblates, is a worthy resource for anyone who would like to know more about the rule of St. Benedict. It is also available in hardcover.

Animals of God (Vol. 2)
$ 12.50
Unit price perAnimals of God (Vol. 2)
$ 12.50
Unit price perTwo more stories of animals that encountered saints...told from the animals' points of view! Stories include: "The Lion Who Lost His Appetite" Rex the Lion has it made. A bloody persecution is being raged against the Christians of Antioch, and it's Rex's job, along with his wife Leonie the Lioness, to meet the helpless prisoners thrown into the Colosseum. Rex can hardly wait! After all, what more could a lion want than a tasty man for breakfast every morning? Sure, he misses his home in the jungle and detests his cage, but the delectable menu makes it well worth it. Then one day a beautiful young lady named Thecla is thrown into the arena to be killed, and things will never be the same for Rex and Leonie again. A delightful tale of a saint's unwavering trust and God's infinite power, told from the lion's point of view! "Cuthbert for Breakfast" Chester the Gosling would give anything to be like his big brother Cuthbert. Cuthbert has it all – sleek handsome feathers, strong graceful wings, a winning personality, and a whole gaggle of friends. In fact, Cuthbert is the most popular gander around. He and his buddies have all the fun, while poor little Chester with his downy feathers can only paddle around the pond with his best friend Delmer, learning to swim. When Cuthbert and the Goose Gang plan a raid on a cornfield, Chester begs his brother to let him and Delmer come. Little do they know, as they fly off on their first great adventure, that things are about to go terribly wrong. When the geese are captured and his brother killed, Chester knows all is lost. Enter Saint Werburga, the owner of the cornfield, and a breathtaking miracle is performed. An endearing story of brotherly love and God's unfailing mercy, told from the little goose's point of view!

Animals of God (Vol. 1)
$ 12.50
Unit price perAnimals of God (Vol. 1)
$ 12.50
Unit price perChildren's Stories of Animals Who Encountered Saints . . . Told from the Animals' Points of View! Three delightful stories for young Catholics, beautifully illustrated with black and white drawings. Includes Bonus Reproducible Coloring Book in the back! Stories in Volume One: "The Little Lamb's Wish" Little Lamb lets out a big yawn. While other sheep are content munching on grass all day, Little Lamb is growing impatient with his day-in, day-out hum-drum existence. He longs for adventure, for something special to happen. When his mother suggests that he wish very hard, Little Lamb sets about wishing with all his might. Then one day, crowds of travelers appear on the road, heading to nearby Bethlehem. When Little Lamb spots a weary man with a beautiful Lady on a donkey, he feels certain his wish for something special is about to come true. . . "The Hungry Gray Mule" Meet Joshua, a little gray mule, and his kindhearted but stubborn Jewish owner, Guillard. After a chance encounter with Saint Anthony, the unbelieving Guillard throws out a challenge, demanding the saint to prove the true Presence of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. When Saint Anthony accepts, unsuspecting little Joshua is locked away for three agonizing days and left to starve, yet he becomes the instrument God uses to show the entire town, without a shadow of a doubt, that the Holy Eucharist is indeed the Body of Christ. "The Loyal Friend" On a stormy night, a tiny fawn – lost and alone and frightened – meets a holy hermit living in a cave. Thus begins the heartwarming friendship between Saint Giles and a baby deer. But their idyllic life in the forest is soon to be shattered by the arrival of the king's hunters. With the deer in danger and fleeing for her life, Saint Giles is called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice of friendship and loyalty. Children will delight in these wonderful animal tales!

A Call to a Deeper Love
$ 26.50
Unit price perA Call to a Deeper Love
$ 26.50
Unit price perThe 281 letters of Zélie and the 16 letters of Louis Martin reproduced in these pages provide us with a treasury of rich insights into the lives and spirituality of these two individuals who the Church beatified on October 19, 2008, at the Basilica of St. Therese in Lisieux, France. We are given here a series of snapshots revealing the tone and texture of the lives of these two saintly, and in many ways, very ordinary people. The incidents described in these pages give us access to the honesty and intimacy of the lives of the parents of St. Therese never meant for the general public. They greatly enrich our understanding of this charismatic couple who radiated holiness and brought to life the greatest saint of the modern age. They underscore the fact that sainthood is a family project of parents and children immersed in the God of love. They call us to a deeper love for God, for each other, and for the poor in our midst and invite us to accept whatever the will of God be for us in our lives, however confusing and painful that may be, and to have total trust and confidence in Him. The anguish of losing four of their nine children, the economic reverses that threatened their businesses, Zélie's losing about with breast cancer, and the Alzheimer's disease suffered by Louis are all brought vividly to light in these letters as is the undying love of this model couple for one another. As St. Therese wrote: "God has given me a father and mother more worthy of heaven than of earth." The present volume has been invaluably by Dr. Fran Renda through a large number of expanded footnotes and other introductory material explaining the background, the times, and the customs that prevailed in France during the years in which these letters were written. Guy Gaucher, Auxiliary Bishop of Bayeux and Lisieux, and the Sisters of Lisieux are responsible for the preface, the notes, and the overall presentation of the text which has been flawlessly translated into English by Ann C. Hess.
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