83 products
83 products
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Joan of Arc (Funck-Brentano)
$ 30.00
Unit price perJoan of Arc (Funck-Brentano)
$ 30.00
Unit price perWarrior, martyr, saint: Joan of Arc has captivated imaginations around the world for centuries. The legendary heroine of a tumultuous episode from the Hundred Years' War, Joan led the French army to triumph over the English at the Siege of Orléans in 1429. Two years later the 19-year-old was captured by the enemy and their French collaborators, charged with heresy, and burned at the stake - the end of her life but the beginning of her enduring fame.
This expertly translated and lavishly illustrated biography traces The Maid of Orléans' progress from ordinary peasant girl to the seer of mystic visions to the savior of France. Forty full-page color plates by French artist and illustrator O. D. V. Guillonnet enhance historian Frantz Funck-Brentano's highly readable narrative. Originally published in 1912 as part of a series of young adult biographies of French leaders, this beautiful and inspiring book will enchant readers of all ages.
A Calla Edition, originally published by Ancienne Librairie Furne, C. Boivin & Cie, Paris, 1912.

Dom Gabriel Sortais: An Amazing Abbot in Turbulent Times
$ 34.50
Unit price perDom Gabriel Sortais: An Amazing Abbot in Turbulent Times
$ 34.50
Unit price perDom Gabriel Sortais: An Amazing Abbot in Turbulent Times is an engaging biography of one of the most colorful Abbot Generals among the Trappists. Dom Gabriel put his stamp on the order in a very personal way, a form that remains with us today despite his best efforts to bring the Order up to date. His tragic death during the course of Vatican Two impeded the implementation of his vision for the whole Order. Dom Guy Oury, a Benedictine monk of Solesmes, has written the story with remarkable clarity. As much as possible, Fr. Oury works from the primary sources, which include witnesses and documents from the Abbey of Bellefontaine in France, where he was a monk and later abbot before being elected Abbot General of the order, as well as the archives of the Generalate in Rome. This book offers insight into the lives of the Trappists during the troubled times of World War II and also throughout the changes of Vatican Two.
Fr. Guy Oury, OSB, was asked by Dom Emmanuel Coutant, the Abbot of Bellefontaine, to write the biography of his predecessor, Dom Gabriel Sortais. He was given all the papers in the archives at Bellefontaine that were gathered together following Dom Gabriel's death. There is an admirable objectivity in the present biography, which was ably translated into English by Br. Brian Kerns of the Abbey of the Genesee, near Piffard, New York. The Afterword by Fr. Laurence Bourget of St. Joseph's Abbey, Spencer, Massachusettes, demonstrates an appreciation by a monk who worked closely with Dom Gabriel Sortais during the last years of his life. Fr. Guy Oury himself died on November 2, 2000, at the age of 71.

Defenders of Christendom
$ 18.50
Unit price perDefenders of Christendom
$ 18.50
Unit price perBattles - Honor - Miracles! This book is filled with amazing stories of little-known Catholic heroes presenting spectacles of bravery and valor never exceeded in all the annals of history. Demonstrating his gallantry through daring feats of arms, the knight's faith, coupled with his marvelous courage, made him nearly invincible on the field of battle. Built around a stirring chronicle of the Knights of St. John, these inspiring accounts bring to life the Defenders of Christendom who fought with courage, chivalry, and an unwavering trust in God to protect their neighbor, their country, and their Faith.

Fatima: A Spiritual Light for Our Times vol. 1
$ 8.00
Unit price perFatima: A Spiritual Light for Our Times vol. 1
$ 8.00
Unit price perThis book aims to be an answer to the requests of all those who want to know more profoundly the message and the spirituality of Fatima.
The first goal of the following lines is to consider, meditate, and comment on the words, gestures, and actions of Our Lady during these apparitions, but also the work of the Angel of Fatima, as well as the reaction of the the three children and faithful present at Cova da Iria.
The second goal is to help the reader to apply the message of Our Lady to himself and fulfill Her request for his own conversion, salvation, and sanctification.
The third goal is to penetrate the devotee of Fatima so much with the spiritual presence of the Immaculate Heart, so that he automatically wants to be an instrument in Her Immaculate hands to make Her know, and to bring to Her footsteps as many "poor children of Eve" as possible.
As the centenary of Our Lady's apparitions draws near, let us become faithful children of our Heavenly Mother, imitating the spiritual life of the three children of Fatima. Let us gather around Her as a small army, to become bridges and channels through which She may pass Her graces into souls.
"O gentle Immaculate Heart of Mary, be my salvation!"
(Preferred ejaculatory prayer of Jacinta)

A Manual of Practical Devotion to St. Joseph
$ 19.50
Unit price perA Manual of Practical Devotion to St. Joseph
$ 19.50
Unit price perWritten in 1709. "Go to Joseph" is the advice of the Church. This book shows the way. Tremendous insights on St. Joseph, plus reasons for our devotion to him. Learn about the man God chose to represent the ideal of fatherhood in the Holy Family! Includes prayers, novenas, and hymns.

The Hermitage Within
$ 24.50
Unit price perThe Hermitage Within
$ 24.50
Unit price perA new edition of a treasured contemplative classic. The author takes readers on a journey based on biblical themes and urges them to seek a personal inner hermitage in which to seek and to reach God. 'Not everyone, obviously, can and should live as a monk or hermit. But no Christian can do without an inner hermitage in which to meet his God.

The Imitation of Christ (Pocket size)
$ 8.00
Unit price perThe Imitation of Christ (Pocket size)
$ 8.00
Unit price perThe Imitation of Christ by Thomas À Kempis needs no introduction. For more than five centuries it has been the most popular spiritual book second only to the Sacred Scriptures. It presents the fundamental principles of the spiritual life. The Christian soul is invited to follow Christ Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. As we study its contents we are convinced that without that Way there is no going, without that Truth there is no knowing, and without that Life, there is no real living.
Translated from the original Latin by the Right Rev. Richard Challoner, D.D. This edition has been re-typeset using the text of the 1893 edition originally published by Desclée, Lefebvre & Co., Belgium, with an Imprimatur by G. F. J. Bouvry Vic. Gen., Tournai, 28th September 1893.

With Empty Hands: The Message of St. Therese of Lisieux
$ 14.50
Unit price perWith Empty Hands: The Message of St. Therese of Lisieux
$ 14.50
Unit price perThis is an entirely new edition and translation of Conrad De Meester's brilliant and moving presentation of the life, thought, and spirituality of St. Thérèse of Lisieux. The author has completely revised and amplified his previous book in the light of the new, thoroughly annotated editions of her own works and the many recent works of research and commentary, which have led him to develop and change some of his interpretations of the saint's life and character.
Fr. De Meester asks why and how this young girl, who asked to be admitted to the Carmel of Lisieux and persevered in her vocation to a hidden life in the small town of Normandy, is not only loved and invoked by millions of people but has become a profound influence on theology, spirituality and the missionary apostolate, culminating in her being declared a Doctor of the Church. He shows how the intuitions of her faith were achieved by growing from spiritual poverty to spiritual maturity through much suffering and despite many crises and reversals. This book reveals Thérèse as the saint of hope, whose constant watchword was "My God, I love you!"
Translated by Conrad De Meester, OCD

The Prayer of Love and Silence
$ 24.50
Unit price perThe Prayer of Love and Silence
$ 24.50
Unit price perCalm and spirituality—the true hallmarks of Carthusian writings—distinguish this book. The first part sets out the principles of the interior life; the second works out a method of prayer. There follow eleven sermons, originally given to monks in the chapter, which illustrate this approach. The final portion discusses the complex doctrine of the Trinity with extraordinary clarity. Broken into short chapters, the book is designed for personal reflection and meditation.
Author: Â A Carthusian

The Rule of St. Benedict, A Commentary by Rt. Rev. Dom Delatte
$ 37.00
Unit price perThe Rule of St. Benedict, A Commentary by Rt. Rev. Dom Delatte
$ 37.00
Unit price perDom Delatte's masterpiece on the Rule of St. Benedict. (softcover)

The Spiritual Life and Prayer According to Scripture and Monastic Tradition
$ 25.00
Unit price perThe Spiritual Life and Prayer According to Scripture and Monastic Tradition
$ 25.00
Unit price perThe present treatise on prayer was first of all printed privately in the French language, and was intended exclusively for the instruction of the daughters of St Benedict. All souls, however, who are aiming at perfection may derive profit and edification from its pages. The spirit of the venerable Abbot Gueranger breathes through the whole work. What this distinguished man thought on the all-important subject of prayer, what he expressed in his conferences, and what he wrote in many parts of his classical work, "The Liturgical Year," is found here systematically arranged. Some of the chapters are real masterpieces.
-Mgr. Paul Leopold Haffner, Bishop of Mayence, September 10, 1896."
Spiritual Life and Prayer according to the Monastic Tradition, is a spiritual treatise on the soul's journey to God. Carefully considering the spiritual life as lived among the trials of the world, the Sacraments, the author considers who are the true worshipers of God and how we become such based on the testimony of Sacred Tradition and the Holy Fathers. Though it is a century old, being based on such timeless testimony it has not lost its luster.

The Rule of St. Benedict Paperback (English and Latin)
$ 20.00
Unit price perThe Rule of St. Benedict Paperback (English and Latin)
$ 20.00
Unit price perRule of St. Benedict in English and Latin (side by side)
"Remarkable for its discretion and its clarity." - St. Gregory the Great.
It was 594 when Pope St. Gregory the Great - himself a Benedictine - wrote this tribute to the little book which had shaped his life, and stands today as one of the cornerstones of religious life.
St. Benedict - credited with saving Western Civilization through his monastery system - adopted a remarkably common approach to growing in grace.
In part, St. Benedict was reacting to the extreme ascetical practices of the East where hermits starved themselves, went without sleep, and dressed in rags. Without minimizing the importance of that self-sacrifice, St. Benedict insisted that monks could not attend properly to their work and study, let alone their celebration of Mass and the Divine Office, if they were denied nutritious meals, ample rest, proper clothing - and daily structure.
The Benedictine historian, Dom David Knowles, wrote that in the Rule, St. Benedict created a new type of monastery, one that was "neither a penitentiary nor a school of ascetic mountaineering, but a family, a home for those seeking God."
If Benedict was comparatively lenient about disciplining the body, he was adamant about the need to subdue the will. His Rule emphasizes:• obedience • humility • fraternal charity • These virtues, once acquired, root out pride. Then, to the standard vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, St. Benedict added the vow of stability, in which a monk promised to remain in his monastery until death (unless his superiors sent him elsewhere). By this fourth vow, Benedict made each monastery a brotherhood, a family, in which each member works for the good of the whole.
Furthermore, each member of the monastic family found in the Rule a standard against which he could measure his every action. By being moderate and flexible in day-to-day concerns, but uncompromising in spiritual matters, St. Benedict's Rule has endured for 1,500 years as a living code, a guiding light that has shown untold numbers of religious men and women the path to holiness. No rectory, no religious house, and no Catholic family, should be without a copy of this seminal work.
Translated & Edited by - Abbot Justin McCann, O.S.B.

The Holy Bible (Douay Rheims, Black Genuine Leather)
$ 59.50
Unit price perThe Holy Bible (Douay Rheims, Black Genuine Leather)
$ 59.50
Unit price perThe Douay-Rheims Version of the Holy Bible, translated between the years 1582 and 1610 and revised by Bishop Richard Challoner from 1749-1752, is the most accurate English translation of the Bible available today. It was the only Catholic translation of Scripture commonly in use for over 200 years and we maintain that it is still the best and safest version of the Bible in English. Translated with profound respect for every word, the beautiful style of the Douay-Rheims Bible will instill in the reader a deeper understanding of the Word of God. Annotations, references, and a historical and chronological index make it convenient for study as well as meditation. Includes updated full-color New Testament maps, and beautiful pictures depicting the life of Christ. Complete with Family record and Presentation pages. This beautiful Bible is available in a black genuine leather cover, with gold edges and a ribbon marker.
Includes words of Christ in red.

The Dialogue of St. Catherine of Siena
$ 12.50
Unit price perThe Dialogue of St. Catherine of Siena
$ 12.50
Unit price perSt Catherine of Siena's Dialogue describes the entire spiritual life through a series of conversations between God and the soul, represented by Catherine herself. Readers of The Dialogue of Saint Catherine of Siena, will find her revelations from God as informative - and formative - as those who recognized her sanctity during her life.
Author: St. Catherine of Siena

The Catholic Church has the Answers
$ 4.50
Unit price perThe Catholic Church has the Answers
$ 4.50
Unit price perA follow-up to 'Confession of a Roman Catholic'. Fact-filled answers to 34 questions commonly asked about the Church. Dynamite! One of our most popular booklets. Great for evangelization and instruction.

The Golden Epistle
$ 19.50
Unit price perThe Golden Epistle
$ 19.50
Unit price perThis practical guide to the spiritual life, cherished by monks, beguines, and layfolk for eight centuries, can still lead men and women to God.

The Man God Kept Surprising (St. William of Bourges)
$ 12.50
Unit price perThe Man God Kept Surprising (St. William of Bourges)
$ 12.50
Unit price perMeet Saint William, a young French nobleman who could have had it all . . . and gave it all up! Riches, fame, knighthood, an easy life in a grand castle. These were the things that rightly belonged to William by his noble birth. Instead, he chose to leave it all behind and give himself completely to God. Building a hut in the quiet woods, he planned to live out his days there in prayer and solitude. But God had other plans for William . . . plans that ensured his suitcase would never stay unpacked! Join William as God sends him one surprise after another, until William finally receives the biggest surprise of all! With charming full-color illustrations and easy-to-read text, this second book in Susan Peek's new series for children (companion to her series for teens, "God's Forgotten Friends: Lives of Little-known Saints") is sure to capture the hearts of Catholic children everywhere.

The Agony of Jesus
$ 7.50
Unit price perThe Agony of Jesus
$ 7.50
Unit price perA true treasure of spiritual insights, this little booklet contains the remarkable meditations on the Agony of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane by Blessed Padre Pio, the stigmatist priest. One of his few writings, the booklet also includes many pictures of Blessed Padre Pio from throughout his ministry. Padre Pio's beautiful and descriptive manner of writing provides a wonderful spiritual insight into that last night of Jesus' human life.
"Jesus has returned to His place of prayer, and another picture, more terrible than the first, presents itself to Him. All our sins with their entire ugliness parade before Him in every detail. He must clothe Himself with this entire unclean mass of human corruption and present Himself before the sanctity of His Father, to expiate everything with individual pains, to render Him all that glory of which they have robbed Him, to cleanse that human cesspool in which man wallows with contemptible indifference.
And all this does not make Him retreat. As a raging sea, this mass inundates Him, enfolds Him, and oppresses Him. Behold Him before His Father the God of Justice, facing the full penalty of divine justice. He, the essence of purity, sanctity by nature, in contact with sin, indeed, as if He Himself had become a sinner! Who can fathom the disgust that He feels in His innermost spirit? The horror He feels? The nausea, the contempt He senses so vividly? And having taken all upon Himself, nothing excepted, He is crushed by this immense weight, oppressed, thrown down, prostrated. Exhausted, He groans beneath the weight of Divine Justice, before His Father, Who has permitted His Son to offer Himself as a Victim for sin, as one accursed."

Psalms and New Testament (Burgundy)
$ 27.50
Unit price perPsalms and New Testament (Burgundy)
$ 27.50
Unit price perIdeal for those wanting to carry the New Testament and Psalms at all times for meditation and prayer. This handy volume will easily fit into a shirt pocket or handbag.
It uses the same solid Douay-Rheims translation of the New Testament and Psalms as our Bible, and is well organized for prayerful meditation, excellent for evangelism, and a great portable gift for graduates and friends alike.
Catholics looking for the traditional Catholic Bible in English should look no further!
In 1546, the Council of Trent declared the Latin Vulgate Bible as authentic, and declared that "No one (may) dare or presume under any pretext whatsoever to reject it" (4th Session, April 8, 1546). The Douay-Rheims Bible is an English translation of the Latin Vulgate Bible, a version universally used in the Church for over 1500 years, itself meticulously translated from the original Hebrew and Greek by St. Jerome (A.D. 340-420).
The Douay-Rheims was completed in 1609, and is therefore older than the King James Version, the oldest Protestant translation still in use, which was published in 1611. The Rheims New Testament was published nearly thirty years earlier, in 1582. Further, the translators of the KJV make specific reference to the Douay version in their translators' preface. It is commonly acknowledged that, in preparing the KJV, the translators made use of the Rheims New Testament and adopted many of its readings in preference to those of other English editions.
Since it was translated quite literally and with great reverence for each individual word from the Vulgate, which in turn reflects the structure of the original languages very clearly, the Douay-Rheims Bible can give great insight into the minds of the sacred authors.
In 1749-1752, Bishop Challoner, knowing that many English Catholics were reading distorted Protestant versions of the Bible such as the King James Version (KJV), made major revisions to the Douay-Rheims version, to improve its readability without diminishing its accuracy. The notes, written by Bishop Challoner are entirely faithful to the teachings of the Holy Catholic Church. The revised Douay-Rheims Bible has been approved by the Church many times over, including the approbation of Cardinal Gibbons for the 1899 edition that Baronius Press is publishing.
For over 300 years, the Douay Rheims Bible was the only Catholic English translation of Scripture used. It continues to be used officially in Catholic churches today.

On Contemplating God
$ 21.50
Unit price perOn Contemplating God
$ 21.50
Unit price perWritten during his benedictine years, these colloquies reveal William's inner struggle to reach out to God by stripping away encumbrances, to learn to love, and to accept God's love by learning to accept himself.
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